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  • Registrant : 出雲市
  • [Language]日本語
  • Posted : 2024/05/17
  • Published : 2024/05/17
  • Changed :2024/05/17
  • Total View : 653 persons
2024/8/10 / 出雲市 / Seasonal / Occasion

Izumo Mythology Festival Izumo Bon Dance

Izumo Bon Odori is a creative Bon Odori dance based on the traditional Bon Odori dance of the city, combined with lyrics expressing the characteristics of each region, solicited from citizens. Every year, more than 30 groups participate in the festival, and about 1 , 000 people parade along Kunibiki Chuo-dori Avenue in unison.

Izumo Bon Odori is a creative Bon Odori dance based on the traditional Bon Odori dance of the city, combined with lyrics expressing the characteristics of each region, solicited from citizens. Every year, more than 30 groups participate in the festival, and about 1 , 000 people parade along Kunibiki Chuo-dori Avenue in unison.

Address 出雲市
Date 2024/8/10
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